The Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board, whose function is to consider any objection to an applicant’s eligibility to obtain a Concealed Carry License (CCL), recently explained the various factors causing delay in issuing new licenses.
A board member testifying in front of the Senate Executive Appointments Committee provided insights regarding the delay in the processing and review of hundreds of CCL appeals. The Board member offered valuable insight stating that sometimes the delays are the result of a lack of evidence and other materials provided by the objecting law enforcement agency.
The Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board is responsible for reviewing as many as 600 objections per month. Because of the sheer volume of applications, approvals are often delinquent. Teleconferencing has significantly improved the Board’s efficiency, but use of technology can only relieve the backlog so much.
Calendar Year 2019 Summary:
– CCLRB reviewed 2,525 objections
– CCLRB affirmed 543 objections
– 21.5% objections upheld
– 78.5% objections overturned
Calendar Year 2020 Summary*
– CCLRB reviewed 1763 objections
– CCLRB affirmed 414 objections
– 23% objections upheld
– 77% objections overturned Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board Sheds Light on Review Backlog
* Possibly due to COVID-19 restrictions and Gov. Pritzker not filling board positions until halfway through the year, 0 objections were reviewed during the months of Feb. thru Sept. 2020.
Attorneys experienced in firearm and CCL licensure should be consulted immediately if you receive an objection to your CCL application. Williams & Nickl has represented hundreds of CCL applicants. If you find yourself in such a situation, Williams & Nickl can provide the help you need.