It’s no secret that the funeral industry — like so many U.S. industries — is facing a worker shortage. The good news is that colleges specializing in funeral service education have shown a steady increase in enrollment numbers. As a result, getting your Illinois funeral director license is a wise investment. Here’s what you need to know about how to become a mortician — and why now…
Illinois law requires all real estate brokers who are doing business in the state to hold a valid Illinois real estate license. All professional licensing is overseen by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). If a real estate broker is accused of violating any regulations or laws, they could face serious consequences, including suspension of their professional license. These allegations can involve how a broker is running their business, as well as allegations and/or complaints from clients. The following are some…
Both the federal government and the state of Illinois have numerous laws in place to prevent employers from taking advantage of employees. These laws cover minimum wage, overtime pay, child labor laws, definitions of exempt and non-exempt employees, and more. When someone makes allegations of wage wrongdoing against the employer, the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) will investigate. If the department finds the allegations are true, the employer can face harsh financial penalties. Overtime Pay Requirements Bothe the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Illinois Minimum…
In Illinois, there are a number of occupations that require obtaining a professional license. Each type of license is issued by a particular board and that board has oversight over license holders. All of these boards fall under the umbrella of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). There are a number of issues that could threaten that professional license’s standing in the state, including accusations of negligence, malpractice, substance abuse issues, insurance fraud, and more. Although each board has its…
There are a number of different categories of professional licenses that fall under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). Many of these professions have their own boards, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, real estate agents, dentists, psychologists, and more. Any individual who is required to apply for a professional license in order to work in their profession is also required to adhere to all the rules and regulations the IDFPR has put in place. When an allegation…
On January 1, 2020, the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act went into effect, providing for the controlled legalization of cannabis use for adults in Illinois. Not only did the law make the recreational use of cannabis legal for adults, but it also established regulations for cannabis dispensing organizations. The licensing and oversight for these businesses fall under the bailiwick of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFRP). If you have been granted a cannabis dispensing license and have questions or run…
For those looking to enter the fields of private alarm contractor, private detective, or private security contractor, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) offers licensing exams twice a year in September and March. To assist those who are preparing to take a licensing exam, Williams & Nickl, LLC is again offering study-review sessions. We have helped hundreds of past participants successfully achieve their licenses. The next scheduled date for all of the examinations is Wednesday, September 07, 2022, with an application deadline of July 22, 2022. However, the…
Big news for private detectives and other private security professionals! As of Jan. 1, 2022, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) changed the law governing basic requirements for these areas: Private detective training Private security contractor training Private alarm contractor training Their employees’ training We break down the law by profession. Please note that Attorney Fred Nickl and I (Attorney Ed Williams) wrote these new private…
Accountants can face many potential issues throughout their career as a licensed professional. If one wants to pursue the field, one must be aware of the variety of situations that can come with providing a service to the public and being regulated by the state’s standard of codes. Setting aside clientele interaction, there are certainly internal problems that can occur and can equally impact one’s ability to practice accounting. The office could have employees that are not following proper accounting practices, cutting corners,…
For licensed funeral directors and embalmers, there are a variety of potential issues that could occur within the profession, both industry-specific and even license-specific issues that could affect the individual’s ability to practice their profession. Making sure the families of the decedent understand the process, the cost, the options, and other related conditions is integral to both the quality of the client’s experience, and the ability to avoid potential complaints placed against their license. If funeral directors communicate properly about the real costs…