In Illinois, there are a number of occupations that require obtaining a professional license. Each type of license is issued by a particular board and that board has oversight over license holders. All of these boards fall under the umbrella of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR).
There are a number of issues that could threaten that professional license’s standing in the state, including accusations of negligence, malpractice, substance abuse issues, insurance fraud, and more. Although each board has its own set of rules and regulations, the one issue that can result in the suspension of a professional license no matter what type of occupation is failure to pay court-ordered child support.
Illinois Child Support Laws
The family court system in Illinois takes the duties of both parents when it comes to the care of children very seriously. Under the law, every parent – whether the child lives with them or not – has a legal responsibility to provide for the needs of that child. A parent who has been ordered to pay child support but fails to abide by the court’s order faces serious penalties for that failure.
When a delinquent parent is brought to the attention of the court, the judge can order that parent’s wages be garnished, their bank accounts seized, tax refunds seized, and/or placing liens on their property.
The court also has the option to suspend any licenses the delinquent parent currently holds. This not only includes their driver’s license and recreational license, but also includes any professional licenses issued by the state of Illinois.
Under current law, a professional license can be suspended if the parent is more than 30 days behind in their payments. The license will only be reinstated if all the delinquent child support is paid, as well as current child support obligations. These payments must be made within 60 days from the date the parent is notified of the suspension.
Professional License Holders
If you hold a professional license in any of the following areas and have fallen behind and/or not paying child support that you have been ordered to by the court, the state of Illinois may take action against that license:
- Accountant
- Dentist
- Funeral Director
- Mortgage broker
- Nurse
- Pharmacist
- Physical therapist
- Physician
- Private alarm contractor
- Private investigator
- Private security contractor
- Psychologist
- Real estate agent
- Real estate appraiser
- Real estate broker
- Social worker
- Veterinarian
Contact an Illinois Professional License Defense Attorney
If you are facing loss of your professional license due to issues with child support, do not delay in contacting a skilled Illinois license defense lawyer from Williams & Nickl, LLC today. Call 312-335-9470 to schedule a free and confidential consultation and find out what legal options may be available to you.