Depending on where a physician works, there could be great relationships with nurses, or it could be very difficult. Although there is no blame or fault, some places have physicians and nurses working hand-in-hand and some experience stressful relationships between the providers. No matter, the vast majority of physicians and nurses want to have a strong working relationship with each other. In order to facilitate those relationships, there are some do’s and don’ts:
Communication is the first thing on which every provider can improve. You should let others know your expectations but also understanding the other side’s. Many times, a simple explanation can clear up what could have been a significant issue. Involving the nurses as much as possible and keeping them aware of what the physician is doing truly helps the relationship. Doing so will guide everyone to work together and limit the potential for antagonism and alienation.
The second goal is to improve one’s ability to understand. A common scenario is the one-upmanship game inherent in complaining/bragging as to who works the most hours or who has had the roughest shift. The easiest way to stop this is to practice ‘understanding.’ Knowing that both of practitioners have hard jobs and that sometimes working in the hospital of office isn’t fun for anyone can help calm relationships between the professions. Both positions have different roles in patient care, both are supposed to work as a team, and understanding these roles will help reduce tension.
Don’t forget that people make mistakes all of the time. After a particularly difficult day, one may get heated with a health care professional. Doing so can lead to charges of unprofessional conduct, or retaliation against a physician by claiming you were negligent. Either scenario could end with you having to defend your license before the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. If a problem does arise, Williams & Nickl will get you through that process and back on the right track. Our firm focuses on professional license defense, and we fight to ensure the Medical Board does not act outside of its powers, as part of getting you the best possible result.